JointRep™ is CE-marked, and patented and granted in all major countries

JointRep™ is an injectable implant. It is the first product to provide a minimally invasive curative treatment for traumatic or arthrosis cartilage defects of any size or grade, allowing the most complete healing with the fastest recovery and rehabilitation times of any currently available treatment.

JointRep™  can be applied to lesions in any joint including the knee, hip, elbow, ankle and wrist. Multiple lesions can be treated in the same procedure.

JointRep™  should not be confused with visco-supplementation products such as hyaluronic acid which simply act as short term lubricants. JointRep™ is compatible with these products but represents an entirely new class of treatment.

JointRep™ is non toxic, highly biocompatible and can be co-administered with other biologic therapies including stem cells, demineralized bone matrix, hyaluronic acid, corticosteroids and platelet rich plasma acting as a sustained release matrix.


JointRep™ is being tested in a controlled clinical study in Europe, to compare a JointRep™ + microfracture operation to an operation with standard microfracture alone, on 69 patients of ages 18-75 with grade III-IV cartilage lesions unrestricted in size.
Controlled post-market clinical study for use of JointRep™ in conjunction with microfracture in grade III-IV knee cartilage lesions showed exceptional results in terms of pain reduction and mobility improvement for patients, and evidence of hyaline cartilage regrowth.

Analysis of WOMAC mean Scores  

The mean initial WOMAC score in the test group was reduced by 88% at 6 months and 93% at 12 months (Please refer to the diagram above)

The in-vitro study
The in-vitro study found general characteristics of hyaline cartilage in test cells: rounded shape cells trapped inside lacunae and type II collagen. Control cells produced a fibrous cartilage-like tissue

Figure 1: Human collagen type II immunostaining negative in control samples (left) and positive in the extracellular matrix of induced cells (right) seeded in JointRep™ solution

The Biopsy
The biopsy also revealed hyaline-like cartilage in the regenerated area
The entire femoral bone-cartilage site, before histological processing, was macroscopically examined: a general overview evidences the glass-like aspect of articular hyaline cartilage with restored smooth and white cartilage covering surface of the distal femur, as shown in Figure 2.
The matrix is abundant and well evidenced by histological staining. The deepest zone contains calcified cartilage and the subchondral bone evidenced by the intense red staining.

Figure 2. Macroscopic view of human femoral condyle

Microfractures and hydrogel scaffolds in the treatment of osteochondral knee defects: A clinical and histological evaluation

For More Information On JOINTREP™